Being a single parent with kids could be very tough. The struggle to earn some money to support your small children could be very taxing on you that you may not really have a good quality of life. If you have been having so much trouble balancing your time between your career and you children, you might want to consider starting an internet business so that you can stay at home and take care of your kids while earning some money to support your family. The good thing about starting an internet business is that you have a chance to make a lot of money while staying home with your kids.
Getting started with your home business
Starting an internet business and staying at home is a big decision especially if you are the only earning money to support the family. If you do not have enough savings to support you family while you are starting an internet business, you might want to consider keeping your job for the time being. It will not do you and your kids any good if you become out of work. Besides, relying on the welfare system is really a very awful thing to do. Relying on the welfare system would often make somebody feel like a real mendicant so make sure that you do not subject yourself to such embarrassment.
Now, if you are really keen on starting an internet online business, you will need the cooperation of your children. If your kids are already old enough to understand what you are doing, you should call them to a meeting and let them into your plan. Explain to your kids that you would like to spend more time with them but since you will need to earn some money to pay the bills and buy food, you will need their help. Tell them that you will need to have some time to work at home and would not want to be disturbed on certain times of the day or night. Since most kids would really love to have their parents at home so you will not really have much trouble convincing your children to cooperate.
Now, in case you have very small children who still could not understand what you are doing, it would be a good idea to put the small kids to sleep early at night so that you can have more time to work on your project. You can start working on your online business at night while the kids are asleep. Although this set-up may require a lot of sacrifices on your part, this may be the only way for you to be able to spend more time with your kids later on. Spending a few hours every night to get your online business up and running will soon pay off so be very patient.
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Wednesday, January 24, 2007
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